Free Filming Services
in Southwest COlorado
One of America’s Most Varied and Concentrated Film Locations
The Four Corners Film Office - Filming in SW CO
Film, television and digital media projects continue to be drawn to our area because of its diverse natural beauty and unique locations. The 4CFO is proud to support the region’s film-friendly legacy, to assist production crews, and to increase the economic benefits of production for our communities for filming in SW CO.
By using our free services and local expertise for locations and production resources in Southwest Colorado and the Four Corners region, you can speed the process, reduce costs and avoid surprises. The Four Corners Film Office is a one-stop shop that can get you connected to the production resources you need in Southwest Colorado.

The 4CFO Production Guide
Find the right talent for your next shoot in the Four Corners…
Our comprehensive production guide has talent from all segments of the film production industry. Search for crews in Colorado, production assistance in Durango, Locations in SW Colorado, film equipment rentals, catering, production hotels, video equipment and rentals, videographers, Directors of Photography (DP), production assistants, and hair and makeup.
Search the Filming Production Guide
Why film your next commercial or documentary in the Four Corners?
Get a feel for the incredible diversity of locations in this region. From dramatic alpine peaks and colorful, historic towns like Durango, Silverton and Pagosa Springs, to the desert canyons and ancient cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde Country, the region has an unmatched diversity of locations. Southwest Colorado also has four distinct seasons, exceptionally sunny weather, and a jet-served airport in Durango (DRO). Our locations also include Mancos, Montezuma County, La Plata County, Bayfield, and Purgatory Ski Resort.
Plus, Colorado has tax incentives!